Joe's Dog Training
Q: Do you guarantee my dog will be trained?
A: Short answer, No. Long answer, The level of success that your dog acquires will be contingent upon both the recommended management strategies that you implement and follow as well as the training that you do with your dog between our appointments and thereafter. I cannot predict the level of compliance on your end and therefor cannot predict what level of success your dog will achieve.
Q: How long will it take for my dog to behave better?
A: It depends! Generally the longer a problematic behavior has been going on, the longer it may take to resolve. For serious behaviors and behaviors that have been going on a while it may take several weeks before you begin to see improvements. Serious problematic behaviors and long history behaviors in some cases could take months or even longer to resolve and in some cases may not be resolvable. In those cases management strategies may be your only option. That can be discussed in detail at your appointment.
Q: Do I have to feed my dog treats for the rest of its life just to get it to do what I want it to do?
A: Nope. During the initial phase of training a behavior, reinforcement (food) is used very frequently. However, as a behavior becomes more reliable the reinforcement will be waned. Have you ever played the slot machines at a casino? You don't win with every spin (though that would be nice!), you only win some of the time. That actually makes us do the behavior more frequently (because we might win the next time). That same principle applies whenever we try to evoke a behavior from a dog. After the behavior becomes reliable, it's okay to follow up with a treat once in a while, but the behavior will not depend on you dispensing treats.
Q: Where will the training take place?
A: The training sessions will take place at your residence. In some cases, training may also take place on and around your street, such as when we are working on loose leash walking.
Your question not listed here? Send me an email or message on Facebook and I'll be happy to answer you!