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Volunteer Experience:
Dog Walker, Western Pa Humane Society May 2012 - Oct. 2016


Work Experience:

Assistant Dog Trainer, Western Pa Humane Society Oct. 2014 - Mar. 2018



Companion Animal Sciences Institute
Accomplishments: Diploma of Professional Dog Training Science and Technology - June 2015

Grades: Principle of Behavior: A+

Domestic Dog Behavior: A+

Dog Training Technology: A+

Professional Ethics: A+

Professional Activities in Animal Behavior Technology: A+

Elective: Canine Nutrition: 98%


Universal Class - Dog Psychology 101: 100% October 2015



Continuing Education Seminars:


20 Principles All Animal Trainers Must Know - John Abrantes


Aggression in Depth - John Rogerson


Business Workshop - Veronica Boutelle


Faces of Aggression - Trish King


Help for Your Fearful Dog - Nicole Wilde


Getting Compliance and Difficult Clients

- Nicole Wilde


In Home Private Training - Nicole Wilde


Solving the Mystery, Taking a History - Nicole Wilde


From Pups to Problems - Trish King


Talk to the Paw - Nicole Wilde


Two Timely Topics: Separation Anxiety & Dog - Dog Play - Nicole Wilde


RCT Relationship Centered Training - Suzanne Clothier


Stress and Problem Solving - Turid Rugaas


Breed Specific Legislation, Training, Practices - Animal Farm Foundation


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